Each year, more than 2,000 youth and teens in Montgomery County, MD, participate in our programs. Young people and their families are served by YMCA Youth & Family Services in: Academic enrichment, after school programs, mentoring, summer camps, outdoor adventure, civic engagement, youth sports, and community events.

Our programs provide young people with unique exposure to opportunity and challenge as part of their development. We know that the future of our community relies on them and we want each of our participants to be prepared for a successful and fulfilling life. Y staff are experts in mentoring, outdoor adventure, leadership enrichment, and team-building. Our services focus on social skills development while also facilitating a variety of recreational activities to build tomorrow’s leaders.

Programs Include:

  • Out-of-School-Time (OST) Activities
    • Assist students with homework, lead enrichment activities, social skills development, and facilitate a variety of recreational activities. (OST Stories)
  • H.O.M.E. Centers
    •  The Hope and Opportunity in a Multicultural Environment (HOME) Centers provide academic-focused after-school care for children, and intensive homework help, and mentoring for teens. (HOME Stories)
  • Horizons
    • A therapeutic outdoor adventure program for at-risk teens utilizes such challenging activities as rafting, rock climbing and caving to help teens develop team-building skills. (Horizons’ Stories)
  • Full Circle Brotherhood – 
    • (FCB Stories)
