Two Bethesda Chevy Chase High School students, 10th grader Teaven, and 9th grader Tsegab, have been active participants in YMCA Youth & Family Services programs for many years. This year they had the unique opportunity to present a project idea to improve pedestrian safety to Ms. Nadji Kirby at the Montgomery County Department of Transportation. Despite their nerves, the young men did a great job in a professional setting, answered all of Ms. Kirby’s questions, and addressed each of her concerns. Ms. Kirby was impressed by the project, and the presentation made by Teaven and Tsegab. She gave approval for the Montgomery County Department of Transportation to partner with youth in YMCA Youth & Family Services H.O.M.E Mentoring Program, Leaders Institute of Silver Spring, and The Youth Advisory Committee to present assemblies in high schools to address pedestrian safety. Led by project captains, Teaven and Tsegab, a group of students developed a plan over several months, participated in team building activities, pedestrian safety education, and assembly planning meetings. In May the students hosted assemblies in 5 Montgomery County high schools reaching over # of high school students with their message “Walk Your Way” dedicated to reducing the death and injury rate of pedestrians ages 14-18 in Montgomery County.