Out-of-School-Time Activities

Youth Development services provide unique programs that expose young people to opportunity and challenge as part of their development. Our staff members are experts in mentoring, outdoor adventure, leadership enrichment, and team-building. Our services focus on social skills development while also facilitating a variety of recreational activities. Unique YFS programs: Benchmarks: […]


Friday, July 6, 2018

Last year, Lindsey Foss, a Linkages to Learning mental health therapist, and many other health care providers began noticing that the young people she worked with were sharing feelings of anxiety and discouragement due to the political climate. “They felt hopeless and like all political power rested on one person,” stated Foss.  They did not know about the different branches of government or how to effectively advocate beyond messages they were seeing on social media.  So, to empower these young people with knowledge and information about how government works while also having fun, she organized an “Advocacy Camp” spring break. As a part of the YMCA, an organization that promotes social responsibility and youth development, Foss knew that this would be a great way for the Y to encourage teens to take action. (Full Story Sheet)


Energizing our Future


Summer 2017

Answering the question, “What Did I Do on My Summer Vacation?” can be a source of embarrassment for low-income youth who’s families don’t have the resources to engage their kids in safe, holistic summer fun activities. Instead, summers are often spent ingesting a steady diet of reality TV shows, playing video games, and trying to avoid engaging in high-risk activities that beckon unsupervised teens. Enter the YMCA to help fill that void. (more…)



Donovan was referred to YMCA Youth & Family Services (YMCA-YFS) following a series of school suspensions and multiple behavioral concerns. Though bright, Donovan’s grades were suffering due to his negative behaviors and interactions with peers and teachers. Thanks to Montgomery County’s Collaboration Council, YMCA-YFS was able to assist Donovan and his family though the Wraparound program. Y staff helped facilitate communication between Donovan’s family members and his school to figure out a plan for the best way to improve his grades and decrease/eliminate school suspensions and the number of times he was asked to leave class due to his behaviors.


Youth & Family Services’ Staff

– Keyandra Brisco, LCSW-C  – Director of Family Preservation and Support Services Lindsey Foss, LCMFT – Director of Linkages to Learning Kimberly Nimmons, LCPC – Director of Counseling Outreach Referrals and Education (CORE) Elena dos Reis – Director of Linkages to Learning Meredith Smith – Director of Youth Development – Keyandra Brisco, LCSW-C Keyandra […]


PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This after school program offers academic enrichment and life skills to middle school youth residing in the greater Rosemary Hills community. SERVICE(S) Youth Enrichment Programs  POPULATION SERVED Preadolescent Children  Ages: 10-14 Language Available: English; Spanish INTAKE & ELIGIBILITY Eligibility Requirements: Must reside in the greater Rosemary Hills Community. Required Intake Process: […]